40 Ways to Relax in Under 5 Minutes

03 - relaxationFor most people, Monday means the start of yet another working week, and very few of us look forward to it. However, there are ways to make life less stressful and more pleasant. Whenever you find youself in a situation where all the jobs, tasks and requirements seem like too much to handle, try one of these tips. They will help you calm down, stay collected, avoid rash decisions, and, most importantly of all, it will make you feel better!

Here is our short version of the list compiled by greatist.com:

  • Sip green tea.
  • Indulge in a little piece of chocolate, honey, a crunchy snack or a piece of fruit (especially mango!)
  • Chew gum.
  • Meditate, try progressive relaxation, watch your breathing, or simply close your eyes.
  • Give yourself a hand massage, try acupressure, squeeze a stress ball or rub your feet over a golf ball.
  • Drip cold water on your wrists.
  • Find a way to escape the crowd for even a short while and allow yourself to be alone.
  • Look out the window or, if possible, find a sunny spot and soak up the sun for a few minutes.
  • Get organized: it is much easier to get stressed when you cannot find something you just had!
  • Engage in some brief physical activity: do some yoga, stretch, take a brisk walk up and down the stairs.
  • Express your emotions: write down how you feel or talk to a friend.
  • Listen to your favourite music and, if nobody is watching, do a little dance.
  • Try some distracting mental activity: do a crossword puzzle, count backwards, try and remember all the European capitals.
  • Aromatherapy also helps: have your favourite essential oil with you so you can enjoy a favourite aroma whenever you feel like it; or else sniff some citrus fruit or ground coffee.
  • Do something else that gives you pleasure: cuddle up with your pet, plan a vacation or a party, daydream… It’s all about allowing yourself to take 5 minutes out of your day to look after something very important that tends to get neglected and forgotten in the midst of all the tasks, jobs, and errands… YOU!

The list of tips to help you relax in 5 minutes or less can be found HERE.

Disclaimer: The Hazelton Clinic is not liable for content or changes in content of any outside sources. The above information is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is meant to encourage healthy lifestyle, emotional and physical well-being and awareness. It does not constitute medical advice.

Habits of Happiness

04 - choose happiness

The age-old truth that we make our own happiness seems to be supported by scientific research! While the concept of “happiness” seems too vague to define and research, it is possible to study people who think they are happy, and to see if there are any common traits that we can learn.

And here is what the study found about habits that are shared by people who consider themselves to be happy:

  • They appreciate simple pleasures.
  • They reach out to others.
  • They “savour” every moment.
  • They love to exercise.
  • They spend money on other people.
  • They value sleep.
  • They look on the bright side.
  • They try to be happy.
  • They are thankful for even the smallest victories.
  • They’re up for serious talks.
  • They pause and listen.
  • They have faith.
  • They make time to ‘see’ their friends.
  • They do ‘digital detox’.
  • They go out.
  • They eat well.
  • They cultivate resilience.
  • They get silly.
  • They are music lovers.
  • They let go of grudges.
  • They hang out with cheery people.
  • They don’t compare.

You will see that a lot of the items on the list are about being able to rest and relax, letting go of grudges and constant “digital connection”, being nice and helpful to others and making time to take care of their own minds and bodies. While it seems like a very simplistic recipe, almost too simple to actually work, it is impossible to deny that developing these habits will reduce stress, strengthen relationships, improve physical and emotional wellbeing… Whether that is enough to be happy, is everyone’s own decision, but we at the Hazelton are definitely going to try these tips out, and we suggest that you do too!

Read the full article about this study and explanation of each habit on NaturalTherapyForAll.com

Disclaimer: The Hazelton Clinic is not liable for content or changes in content of any outside sources. The above information is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is meant to encourage healthy lifestyle, emotional and physical well-being and awareness. It does not constitute medical advice.

Easy Ways to Instantly Boost your Energy

As much as we all want to be able to go through our day without getting tired, losing focus and motivation, or becoming irritable, very few people (if any) can achieve that. We are only human and it is perfectly normal to feel less than 100% energetic and capable at all points of your day. That said, if you are feeling tired and there is still a lot of work instead of you, it might be useful to know how to get an instant energy boost, ideally without the harmful energy drinks and endless amounts of coffee. We found a great little article from Greatist.com where they compiled a list of simple tips. Look through them to see what works for you, and you never know, next time this could make a big difference to your day!

Our favourites are:02 - ways to boost your energy

  • smell a lemon;
  • laugh;
  • do something interesting;
  • sit up straight;
  • sing out loud.



Disclaimer: The Hazelton Clinic is not liable for content or changes in content of any outside sources. The above information is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is meant to encourage healthy lifestyle, emotional and physical well-being and awareness. It does not constitute medical advice.

Stress Relief Tips From Around the World

01 - stress relief tips from around the world Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress, and we all find what works best for us. However, new ideas can always serve as useful advice and inspiration, so we looked for wisdom that people from other countries share. These can range from banya (Russian version of a sauna) to laughter exercises (India) or a foot soak (China).

These are not necessarily scientific, however if they help to reduce stress, why not try some or all of them! Click HERE to find out of any will work for you!


Disclaimer: The Hazelton Clinic is not liable for content or changes in content of any outside sources. The above information is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is meant to encourage healthy lifestyle, emotional and physical well-being and awareness. It does not constitute medical advice.

Last minute beach tips: how to avoid bloating

isloated-beachThanks to the great weather we have been having, we no longer need to dream of sunny beaches in foreign countries. Everyone with a free minute to spare can bask in the sun. Usually the only thing that may ruin the pleasure is self-consciousness and being convinced that one does not look as fabulous as one might like to without all those clothes to cover up. While self-image and confidence is an entirely separate topic, HERE is helpful article  for people who suffer from IBS or other conditions that result in bloating and discomfort.

Here are the tips in a nutshell:

  • avoiding carbonated drinks;
  • minimise intake of salt and sodium;
  • stay away from gas-producing products (cabbage, broccoli, beans…)
  • curb alcohol intake;
  • avoid sugar and carbohydrates (this one is more for avoiding excess weight altogether; but it helps to maintain a flat belly!)
  • no bulky foods;
  • no chewing gum, candy or mints;
  • less spicy foods.

You can read the list in detail on Health.com. Don’t forget to protect your skin with appropriate sun cream and enjoy the sun without worries!

Disclaimer: The Hazelton Clinic is not liable for content or changes in content of any outside sources. The above information is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is meant to encourage healthy lifestyle, emotional and physical well-being and awareness. It does not constitute medical advice.



Food that will boost your mood


We all know that there are certain types of food that make us feel better. However, epyk.com have gone further than that and have compiled a list of foods that help boost our mood:

(…) these are the top 10 foods that can boost a mood quickly, naturally and without any adverse reactions that can endanger your health – not to mention that these superfoods are also more affordable. All the above-mentioned foods have been scientifically proven to lift mood, therefore you can replace supplement and pills with one or more of these foods. If you are predisposed to depression and anxiety, you can easily prevent these bothersome provided that you understand the relationship between food and mood. Certain foods can not only boost the efficiency of anti-depressants, but they can even prevent relapse in the long run.

Their list includes:

  • berries (contain antioxidants)
  • chocolate (we all knew that, didn’t we..)
  • green tea (reduces stress, increases alertness and focus)
  • bananas (raise levels of serotonin)
  • sardines (provide our brain with vital fatty acids)
  • avocados (increase endorphins)
  • poultry (aids the body in coping with stress)
  • dark leafy greens (contain folic acid and magnesium, both of which have positive effect on mood)
  • eggs (rich in Vitamin D, otherwise known as “the sunshine vitamin”)
  • walnuts (help lower cholesterol and improve blood circulation)

Interested? Please read their list in detail HERE.

Disclaimer: The Hazelton Clinic is not liable for content or changes in content of any outside sources. The above information is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is meant to encourage healthy lifestyle, emotional and physical well-being and awareness. It does not constitute medical advice.

Yoga for energy

yoga for energy

While there are many great ways to quickly boost your energy levels, why not consider something that has the added benefit of exercise to improve your overall fitness? The Huffington Post provide a great article that lists 10 yoga poses that help you do just that.

“Yoga works on unblocking stuck blocks of energy along the spine. You bring what the yogis call prana, or ‘life force,’ into the back and all these areas of the body through breath and movement,” Vyda Bielkus, yoga instructor and founder of the Health Yoga Life studio in Boston, tells the Huffington Post. “You’re moving the circulatory system and awakening the nervous system — basically bringing new life into the body.”

Active poses that stimulate the blood flow through the body — particularly those that gently stretch the spine — can help combat fatigue and boost feelings of vitality, and might also help to counter some of the effects of long periods of sitting.

You can see the list of poses, complete with helpful photos HERE.

Disclaimer: The Hazelton Clinic is not liable for content or changes in content of any outside sources. The above information is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is meant to encourage healthy lifestyle, emotional and physical well-being and awareness. It does not constitute medical advice.

The power of thoughts: think yourself healthy!


Have you ever found yourself wishing that you could just “think away” things that annoy you about your body today? It could be the cold or the cigarette cravings or the few extra pounds that keep you away from feeling great in your favourite pair of jeans?

It seems that Health.com suggest it is actually possible:

“If you imagine an experience, the brain stimulates itself in the same way as if you were doing it,” says Joachim Vosgerau, co-director of the Center for Behavioral Decision Research at Carnegie Mellon University.

Is this merely (pardon the pun) wishful thinking, or a discovery that could have a profound affect on your life? Read through their list to form your own opinion HERE.

Disclaimer: The Hazelton Clinic is not liable for content or changes in content of any outside sources. The above information is provided for entertainment purposes only, and is meant to encourage healthy lifestyle, emotional and physical well-being and awareness. It does not constitute medical advice.

Looking up: finding shapes in clouds

Cloud_DragonIs it a bird? Is it a plane? Whether you are an active member of the Cloud Appreciation Society or simply love watching the sky to relax, shape-searching in clouds is always fun. Also, it is a great excuse to tear your gaze away from the smartphone / tablet / laptop / MP3 player / TV / game console / anything else that has to be charged or plugged in to entertain you. Clouds are free! And quite fascinating.

Thank you to The Guardian for this lovely gallery.

Also a great little collection here by NowThatsNifty.com