While there are many great ways to quickly boost your energy levels, why not consider something that has the added benefit of exercise to improve your overall fitness? The Huffington Post provide a great article that lists 10 yoga poses that help you do just that.
“Yoga works on unblocking stuck blocks of energy along the spine. You bring what the yogis call prana, or ‘life force,’ into the back and all these areas of the body through breath and movement,” Vyda Bielkus, yoga instructor and founder of the Health Yoga Life studio in Boston, tells the Huffington Post. “You’re moving the circulatory system and awakening the nervous system — basically bringing new life into the body.”
Active poses that stimulate the blood flow through the body — particularly those that gently stretch the spine — can help combat fatigue and boost feelings of vitality, and might also help to counter some of the effects of long periods of sitting.
You can see the list of poses, complete with helpful photos HERE.
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